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Shiva Wins The Satanic Temple's Anatole France Literary Award for Contemporary Satanic Writing For The Devil's Tome: A Book of Modern Satanic Ritual!

The past Unveiling Day weekend, I received The Satanic Temple’s Anatole France Literary Award for Contemporary Satanic Writing for The Devil’s Tome: A Book of Modern Satanic Ritual

The past Unveiling Day weekend, I received the Anatole France Literary Award for Contemporary Satanic Writing from the Satanic Temple for The Devil’s Tome: A Book of Modern Satanic Ritual! I'm so, so grateful and still totally in shock! I'm the second person to receive it - Lilith Starr was the first recipient for her excellent book, The Happy Satanist (PS, she just released her new book, Compassionate Satanism! Check it out now!).

To celebrate, I'll be offering different deals and gifts with purchase over the coming weeks! This week, you can grab The Sight: Satanic Journal And Tome on sale for $9.99. It's the journal/notebook/tome that I've created for folks who are working through the book, creating their own rituals, or just want a cool sketchbook or journal to work with. It comes in both lined and unlined versions. You can grab it here through Sunday at its sale price!

Thank you so much for your continued support for my work!


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