The Legacy of The Unveiling

The Unveiling is a very important part of our Satanic history. 

Detroit was home to  The Satanic Temple’s first chapter. We formed in the fall of 2014 and put together a number of headline grabbing events. In the spring of 2015, the Detroit chapter was tasked with putting together the Unveiling.

The event was a massive challenge. We had multiple venues cancel on us last minute; we were protested against by a number of local churches and we received death threats. 

So many people didn’t want to see the Unveiling happen. By our group of Satanic superheroes - the Detroit Chapter of TST, National, and our members made it happen. 

The event, to me, was a ritual in itself; it was It was our coming of age. It was our arrival - it was our way of saying we’re here, we exist, and we are here to celebrate this despite the fact you fear and hate us and despite threats of violence.

Ultimately, it was a massive success - at the time it was the largest public gathering of Satanists ever. People came from around the world to celebrate the Unveiling. And, at that event, arguably the most controversial piece of modern art, our Baphomet, was birthed into the world.

The Unveiling was a spark that ignited our global Satanic movement. After the Unveiling, new chapters began to form, the International Council was created, and our membership grew exponentially. For me, The Unveiling is a time to appreciate all we can accomplish, despite the challenges the world throws at us. It’s a time to appreciate our ability to thrive under pressure, find grace in conflict, and recognize our power.

See behind the scene photos + interviews about the Unveiling in via Shiva’s Patreon. Pick up ritual items to celebrate The Unveiling and hail yourself via the boutique


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